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Fight Fire with Brush Clearance – Schedule Yours Early, to Avoid Work Shortages Due to COVID-19!
Brush Clearance

The U.S. Forest Service defines the wildland-urban interface (WUI) as a place where humans and their development meet or intermix with wildland fuel. More and more this development means commercial properties and HOA’s.

As the most populous state in the U.S., California has plenty of people—which means plenty of development. And with an ongoing drought, despite heavy rains at the end of 2021, our state currently also has an overabundance of dry wildland fuel that needs clearing.

Don’t mind if we light a fire under you!

But because of brush clearance work shortages and backlogs due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, property owners and managers need to ACT NOW, early in the year, to budget for, schedule, and ensure brush clearance around their commercial property to avoid getting caught in delays that could cause them to be noncompliant with mid-spring county deadlines and end up paying hefty fines that can range into the thousands of dollars.

As an award-winning, full-service landscape firm, Stay Green Inc. provides brush clearance for HOA's, governmental & commercial properties, municipalities, malls and airports. And we are signing up clients NOW for brush clearance work around commercial properties.

Not to light a fire under you (excuse the pun), but we encourage you to contact Stay Green well ahead of the mid-May deadline in Los Angeles County—and possibly similar deadlines in other California counties. Don’t wait till it’s too late!

Our landscape experts will get the job done right, including:

  • Keeping trees on your commercial property well irrigated and trimmed to make them less vulnerable to fire in the first place
  • Using cutting equipment with blades that are non-ferrous and non-sparking (no sense in starting a brush fire while clearing brush to prevent one!);
  • Performing brush clearance on non-red-flag days, when dry weather conditions are extreme;
  • Keeping the proper fire extinguishing equipment on hand within the prescribed distance when doing brush clearance operations;
  • Having an accessible cell phone at the ready during brush clearance in case an injury or emergency should occur; and
  • Following prescribed guidelines for safe and proper debris disposal.

Sound like a lot to keep in mind? Well, it is. But even though clearing dry brush from your commercial property may be new for you, it is not for us. Stay Green Inc. has been providing quality brush removal services since 1970. We have the experience and resources to resolve your brush clearance needs quickly and effectively.

Visit our website,, to see that “Brush Clearance” is at the top of the list in the “Our Services” menu.

Contact our landscape professionals TODAY at 800.858.5508 to discuss the right solution for your commercial property—in its wildland-urban interface—so that we can help you fight fire with brush clearance without delays.